Butt Fusion Jointing

Butt fusion technology is the safe, reliable and favorable jointing for a wide dimension range.
GF Piping Systems offers mechanical, hydraulic and CNC-guided fusion machines for on site constructions and the workshop. The fusion areas of the pipes and fittings are heated to fusion temperature and joined by means of mechanical pressure, without using additional materials. A homogeneous joint results.
Specifikace Butt Fusion Jointing
Fields of Application:
- universal use
- water & gas distribution
- industrial constrution site
- workshop
- building technology
- short-time jointing preparation
- high jointing strenth
- economical
- perfect suitable for big dimensions
- precise joining
Technická specifikace Butt Fusion Jointing
manual: up to d280
mechanical: d40 to d250
hydraulic: d40 to d1200
CNC: d40 to d630
appropriate materials for butt fusion jointing are: PP, PE, PVDF and PB